It's interesting to realize what drives your weekend plans. All these different elements come together or fall apart and all of a sudden you've got two full days of nothing to do (to your pleasure or annoyance) or perhaps even a ton of homework. But why? What happened during this specific week to lead to such an end of your week? Our collective week went like this:
Monday: We marched in the Ft. Bragg Paul Bunyan Day Parade. Our "SoCal" Bestie was still visiting with us, so we were living in the moment and not really making plans for the weekend- also, completely ignoring homework assigned from last week. We weren't even considering the upcoming weekend yet.
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This is the Marching Lumberjacks after the Paul Bunyan Days parade in 2006. Can you spot us? |
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Rach playing the only instrument she knew during the 2007 Paul Bunyan Days parade in Fort Bragg. |
Tuesday: Rach- I showed up to class only to be reminded that for my constitution test I needed to be in a group of 3-5. (I'm already a citizen, why do I have to pass this test?!) Professor gave us a few minutes before class started to make groups. SHIT. There was one person two seats to my left and one person six or seven seats to my right. Bah! After about four minutes I turned to the guy on my left and asked if he was in a group. No? Sweet! Now we were each doing half the work. Less work this weekend.
Bry- A group of us played Quelf- not Queef, which was what I kept mistakenly referring to it as- and I debated pouring myself a drink to make the silly humiliation of the game easier to bear... but thought better of it because of the lure of the promised weekend-drinking. The fact that it was a Tuesday had yet to really cross my mind. Weird.
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If I tell you to buy this game, will Quelf give me money? |
Wednesday: We said Goodbye to "SoCal" Bestie, and finally started checking our e-mails to see what was going on this weekend.
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Bry and So-Cal Bestie, naturally fabulous. |
It seemed like a whole bunch was going on: Drag Softball game, Pride Parade, Boyfriend planning a guy's night out, "NorCal" Bestie potentially going into labor.
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Nor-Cal Bestie rocking as hard as a... rock. |
Also! Fiancé's new Birth Certificate came in the mail. (Am I incorrectly capitalizing things because I think it makes Them look more Important? Yes.)
Thursday: Rach- When I showed up to class I reminded my partner that we had to find a third member to help us on our constitution test. At the end of class we found a girl without a group and at the same time saved ourselves more work this weekend. Woohoo!
Bry- Fiancé and I headed down to CVS to get his Passport photo taken. (He's never had a Passport before, so I felt thuper thpethcial for getting to tag along on this bureaucratic adventure.) I forgot to bring a comb for his unruly hair, and he hadn't shaved in... a while... so in order to make the picture look less "molesty" (Spell check says this isn't a word.
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This is what popped up when I googled "molesty". |
I jumped up and down behind the CVS employee to make him smile. With the photos in hand we mosied (WHAT? That's not a word either??) on down to the Post Office. After ten minutes in line, the balding, elderly man behind the counter told us that it's the Post Office's official policy to require appointments for all Passport applications- which is not mentioned anywhere on all the billions of informative fliers around the room. Fine. Friday at 3:15 PM it is.
Friday: Rach- Weekend plans were suddenly pulled to a halt when we got dressed in the morning and realized we were out of clean underwear. SHIT. Looks like our weekend is going to look a little like this:
Bry- That was where the fun and eventful weekend began to fall apart. Fiancé checked his e-mail at the crack of... 10 AM or so, and discovered that the unlimited free beer supply promised at the Drag Softball game has for some reason dwindled to two free beer coupons per person, charging $5 per cup from there on out. Needless to say, walking across town seemed drastically longer after reading that. No worry, still plenty of things in store for us, right? Realizing we were running late, Fiancé and I hopped into the car and sped off to the Post Office with all the necessary paperwork. As we exited the car, I questioned out loud if we'd gathered all the papers and photos needed for the appointment. {Insert his facial expression of dismay, rage, and disappointment. D: } No. No we did not. The photos were sitting at home all safe-like and abandoned . Oops. We march into the Post Office all the same to reschedule for later in the day if possible, and are informed that appointments do not occur after 3:30 PM. On the verge of pulling his hair out, Fiance sets up another appointment for the following Monday.
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You don't want to see him when he's really mad. |
He's pissed, and I am hiding my laughter at the misfortune of our day so far. 'What else can go wrong?' I muse. To simplify things, I'll just tell you that the car died on the way home. Don't worry! We GOT home, but the electronic equipment in the car shut down system by system on the way. (Hahahahahahahaha.) CD player? Down. AC? Down. Blinker? Down. Speedometer? Down. Lame.
So, as you can see, our weekend went from FULL of fun band events to sitting around the house, unable to change clothes because none are clean. Sweet! So, how does our real Friday night begin? Well, I sat around writing this and watching things on Netflix.
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It means that I love it but not all of it but I am NOT being indecisive! |
Fiancé and I played Lego Nazi Harry Potter- don't judge me until you see the picture of the ACTUAL board just as the ACTUAL instructions showed us to set it up. Well, that, and make awesome homemade chicken chili, cornbread from Trader Joe's, and a wicked Sunkist and vodka creation while watching Man of the Year. Less exciting than watching Drag Softball? Likely. More exciting than watching golf on TV? Your decision. Also-
Totally NOT joking around about the Lego Nazi Harry Potter game. D: |
Lego Nazi Harry Potter sort of creeps me out... D:
ReplyDeleteAnd oh my god, getting his passport is a more epic adventure than leaving the country will ever be!
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