Does this sweater make me look old? |
1. I feel special when animals or babies sleep on me or in my arms.
2. I love bad movies. I collect them.
3. I can't sleep with socks on. I just can't do it no matter how cold I am.
4. My usual nightmares involve losing someone I love or all my teeth.
5. I usually make funny faces in pictures on purpose for fear of trying to take a good picture and it turning out horrible.
6. I enjoy doing grandmotherly things like baking, crocheting and wearing silly sweaters.
7. I still have a crush on Shang from Mulan.
8. I wish I were talented enough to be in musicals.
9. I love writing poetry but can only manage to produce something I don't hate every few months or years.
10. Out of all the characters I learned in China, the only four I write almost every day are "I really miss you".
Doesn't everyone play Air Piccolo? |
1. My most embarrassing moment is from 5th grade, and it involves watermelon seeds.
2. I developed earlier than most of my friends, in that I got acne when I was 9.
3. I fell in love with Mozart- as in the character from the movie Amadeus- and learned flute so I could be a child prodigy... because no one explained how that was supposed to work.
4. My inability to master Mandarin Chinese is something that frustrates me everyday, and occasionally in my dreams as well.
5. The fact that I never got to mourn the death of our childhood dog, Buddy, (who was put to sleep when we were studying abroad) will always haunt me.
6. I feel extremely accomplished every time my cats come to their names- which is hardly ever, but still...
7. One of the happiest moments of middle school was the realization that I could now check out three books per week, and I would, even though I could never finish all three before they were due back.
8. My first interaction with "race" was when I was 6 and a black family moved in a few houses away in my gated community- I was fascinated.
9. The first time I saw David, I knew he was going to be trouble. Despite agreeing to marry him, he manages to cause a little trouble in my life at every given opportunity.
10. I joined track to stalk a boy. Stupidest. Mistake. Ever.
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