There are many times in life when you see something that you know you may never be able to forget, for better or for worse. It is because of a few things I've seen recently that I've decided to post some pictures and videos of things that just stopped me in my tracks and wowed me to the point where I had to record what I was viewing. I'm hoping to make this an ongoing thing because lord knows you always see weird things sooner or later.
To be fair, I totally want these shoes. |
I was having lunch when I noticed a girl wearing these. Really? Who wears stilettos at a JC? Later, I remembered I had taken this picture, looked back at it and heard clicking coming up behind me. I turned only to see her strutting through the parking lot. She looked just as silly the second time I saw her.
Honestly, he made my day better. |
The next day, I saw this man on the bus. He was balding and had a mullet. Need I say more?
I seemed to be the only one on the bus to notice. |
On the way back I saw this. Apparently, football is the devil. Who knew?
He actually has eyes behind those sunglasses. |
I found this guy in CR's health center. He was actually pretty cool. I can't remember what his name tag said.
Finding them made my day. |
I took this picture specifically to show Sarah but now I can't remember why. They had three little kids with them all wearing homemade clothes but I thought I might get attacked by security if I took a picture of them.
I see an old guy going bald with a mullet every family reunion. The guy totally looks like my uncle with more gray hair (as my uncle is still pulling off a salt 'n pepper mullet atm). :)