Slightly Self-Obsessed

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 30 - A picture of a person you miss.

We very much miss our Caitling.

When she moved away she left an odd shaped hole in our lives that we will never be able to fill.

I think we can all agree that it's time for some more epic road trips.

Luckily it's a mere 12 days until we see her again.

The first time I saw Caitlin, she was decked out in Gothic attire and scared the hell out of me. I met her again a few days later and found out she was Bry's stand partner. I was afraid for her. It wasn't until that weekend that we bonded over RENT and became BFF's. We spent two years doing just about everything together until she moved back home. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 29 - A picture of something that makes you smile.

Nick Pitera

You are a monster if listening to THIS doesn't make you smile. Go on. I'm waiting. Click the link and listen to it. DO IT. Then give THIS a watch, too. I promise it's worth your time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.

There isn't just one thing we're afraid of. There are, in fact, four main things that we are both afraid of.

Being alone.

The dark.

Deep, dark water.


If you were to combine all four of these together, there is only one possible outcome:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 27 - A picture of you and a family member.

Been there, done that. Honestly, how hard is it to find just one picture of you and someone else in your family?

This, though, is a feat. Our Grandpa between us? We hadn't seen him in person in 13 years. The cousins to my left? We hadn't seen them in TWENTY years. Kind of hard getting our family together. We should get on that, guys.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.

This guy is something that means a lot to me.
How could anyone not like this?

Can you feel the chemistry?

This sexy thing is all mine.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 25 - A picture of your day.

We don't know who coined the term "depot whores" but we always enjoyed being one.

For years and years on end we wasted all of our free time between class, and occasionally skipped class, to just sit in the Depot and eat and chat with friends. Someday we'll move away from college and have to kill our time somewhere else, but until then we will always be Depot Whores.

On a side note about yesterday's post, the girl that can be seen between Bry and I is no longer with us. She was killed very recently after being hit by a car. We miss you, Chelsea.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.

Few things are more depressing.

If I could change anything it would be death. I know it is insane to think that we could all live forever, and I'm sure eventually I'll grow so old that I'll be okay with dying, but I don't think I'll ever be ready to handle death.

A sexy bunch, I know.

One person in this picture is already dead. Someday they all will be. That thought alone keeps me up at night. I would stay a child forever if only to never lose my parents. Every time I see my dad, he has more gray hair and I'm reminded that he's 63 and not getting any younger. None of us are. Someday I'll have to say goodbye to them forever just the same as my kids will to me. I don't think I'll ever be ready to handle death.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book

We can't let a good thing end, so we prefer series.  As such:

Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series!

If we could live in this Fantasy World, we would.

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books!

Our childhood ended on the last page.

Alex Sanchez's Rainbow Boys!!!

A series so cool that Thailand made it a movie.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 22 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Were Better At

We honestly wish that we could remember characters for more than a week at a time.

Day 21 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Forget

While we were living it up in China, you were realizing that it was time to go.

When I fell ill with food poisoning (never trust Mexican food in an 'American Themed Restaurant' in China), your kidneys were failing.

When I called home to tell Mom and Dad that I was feeling much better, they told me you were gone.  You had been losing weight, and stopped eating or drinking.  We'd only had you for 9 years.

We wish we could forget

We never got to say good-bye

We weren't there

To hold you when you died.

Day 20 - A Picture of Somewhere You'd Love to Travel

After reading the book "Roots" by Alex Haley, it made us really want to return to our 'roots' and find our ancestors in:

Ireland! Known for it's Castles

Probably wouldn't visit THIS castle.
It looks like it is about to fall off that cliff.

And Pubs

What DOESN'T look homey about this place?
That's right.  Nothing.

And Germany!  Also known for its Castles

This is exactly the sort of castle I expect to find in a will from my rich long lost relatives.
Any day now...

And Pubs.

Ok, this is from a postcard.  But wouldn't you want to visit this place???

In a weird way, reading Roots also made us want to visit Africa as well.

And then we remember that we're afraid of Africa.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 19 - A picture and a letter.

We weren't a hundred percent clear on how to do this one so, instead of picking something like this:

A is for Deadpool.

We opted to take this route:

This lovely letter is from Spring 2010
and never fails to make me cry with happiness. 

It reads: There is love, even in math. :-)  <3 Snuggle Puppy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.

I think she's as dumb as a rock but, you have to admit, she's got just about the ideal smile. 

When you grow up with someone who looks (according to other people) just like you, you find insecurities in your differences. Most people stare back and forth between our faces, trying to find a difference between us so they can tell us apart. The thing is, when they find those differences, they point them out-as if we didn't know. 'Oh, your jaws are different and you don't have the same smile...That's how I will tell you apart.' Then we get to wondering, 'Gee, if our smiles are different, does that mean that one is better than the other?' So, for all sakes and purposes, our smiles are our biggest insecurity.

I have never been a fan of my smile. In 5th grade, I decided I hated it so much that I bit the insides of my cheek during my school picture to try to fix it. Didn't work. When I'm genuinely smile, my cheeks go up instead of out and my eyes get squinty and all but disappear. 

Genuinely happy = horrible smile

See, look at that picture. I'm smiling because I'm getting a hug and my eyes just disappear. To correct this I try purposefully smile differently. It fails miserably.

Look at that! I tried to not let the smile reach my eyes so I wouldn't be all squinty and ended up looking like I wasn't enjoying myself. Boo. I love the left half of this picture and want to burn the right half.

As for me, I have always known that I have a crooked jaw.  Every doctor, dentist, and chiropractor I have every seen has mentioned my face and how it can be "fixed"- which is basically the best way to get some serious sort of mental complex (especially when I only went in for a check-up).  When I am absolutely happy, there is no holding back THIS SMILE:

Unrestrained happiness = Effed-up & crooked smile.

The older I got, the more I realized that I really only look good from ONE side.  I can no longer stand to take pictures from the other side, because in all of them I have a messed up face.  I have my good side in all the photos from modeling- yes, all my modeling photos have been taken from one side.  It truly is *awesome* knowing that only half of you is worth looking at.  I am so used to posing myself from one side now that I even do it when I have been "enjoying" my night.

Posed to hide crooked jaw.  Couldn't even tell, could you?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 17 - A picture of something that has had a huge impact on your life recently.

Anyone who met Figgy before we got Frankie knows how much of a beast he was. He was cute for the first two days we owned him, as I imagine all four week old kittens must be, but after that he grew into a terror. Honestly, it's our own fault. We raised him like a puppy... Regardless. Frankie. It wasn't until we adopted a three month old kitten that Figgy, just over a year at the time, calmed the hell down. So much relief has come from the new found peace.

Don't fall for the siren song, she wants to play fetch with you but you will get cut.

Sometimes she gets so happy she bites your jaw but other times she just lays on your face.

Yet other times she demands you wear her as a scarf.

It took a week or two but once they stopped avoiding each other they became best friends.

Partners in crime is what they are. This morning, before being caught, they cut open a bag of googly eyes and strewed them across the kitchen floor. Freaks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 16 - A picture of a person who inspires you.

There are, as always, obvious answers to this. We could answer that our parents inspire us, or our teachers, and   it would be true. But, in reality, the man who inspires us most is this man:

Sir Terry Pratchett. 

He is the man that brought the world this:

Discworld is carried on the back of four elephants who stand atop the Great Atuin.

Terry Pratchet has brought the world such gems as:

“Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.”


“"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worth while?" Death thought about it "Cats," he said eventually, "Cats are Nice”

as well as...

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it”

and then again, too...

“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

and one of my favorites...

“People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful journeys. People jump out at them from behind rocks then say things like, "Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else."”

For more on this god amongst men, you can go hereGo here or we aren't friends anymore.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.

We often joke but this is serious. We are 100% determined to return to China and snuggle our Aaron back to America. It's about time to force some American, twin affection on him again.

Perhaps we'll even get to see Noodle the Poodle again.

Speaking of China, click here!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You Could Never Imagine Your Life Without

In the essence of seriousness, we have chosen three people we really cannot imagine our life without.



But, how could we let the opportunity to put up hilarious photos of said Loved Ones slide by?  That's right, we can't.  Without further ado:


The Lady that holds the family together can't drink without her clown nose.


Figgy, who hates everyone, adores Dad-
to the point of biting him if Dad if he tries to push him off his lap.


This was her first time ice skating-
this photo looks posed, but rather she is trying not to fall down.
Someday, we'll get Alia to another country. To make suggestions, go here!