Step one: Cut a hole in the box. |
We opted to do History Day to get out of doing debates in English. Best. Decision. Ever. |
Prom 2006: Who needs a date when you've got a Kat? |
Yes, this is way old. August 2008. But don't we look awesome? |
This is our Kat. We met her in sixth grade at the end of her driveway. Her new puppy peed at our feet and from then on we clung to her like moss. It's amazing to think that it's been over ten years since we met. We've stayed friends despite moving several times and are aunts to her adorable daughter Iris.
Five Years Later
they say if you’ve been friends with someone for more than seven years you’re
likely to be friends for life. In 2011, when we first wrote about Kat we’d
known her for 12 years. This year our friendship hits 17. I think it’s safe to
say we’re going to be friends for a very, very long time. Now, if only we could
get her to return to California!
August 22nd, 2009. Should have shown this the last time. Here's that one time we were in Kat's wedding. |
May 2010. Here's that one time we were at her sister Jennifer's wedding. |
April 9th, 2011. Here's that one time we were all at Bry's wedding. |
December 2011. Celebrating Iris' birthday and the fact that Kat is about to have Calvin who I apparently have no photos with. |
July 2014. That one time we were at Alicia's wedding. |
August 2015. That one time Bry was too pregnant and had to fly back to China and missed Mary and Aaron's wedding. |
So. Many. Weddings. And mine is next!
July 2nd, 2016. Don't complain that it's a holiday weekend. It's Bry's fault. And nobody stopped me before I put a deposit on our venue. |
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