Slightly Self-Obsessed

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A List of Lies

It has always been hard for someone with little work experience to find a job but now we face new challenges everyday. Besides just putting in applications everywhere that will take one, I have been checking Craig's List daily in the hopes of finding some kind of part time work to hold me over until I can find something more long term. Now, I have been warned against using Craig's List for job hunting but I have ignored such warnings because in the past I have found legitimate part time or one time only work there.

Despite how many times I worked with him, this is from the only batch of photos I could find.

I found work as a part time model for a while. And for two glorious days I had the chance to count parts in hospitals.

I got to go into the back closet of a heart operation room!

I've been holding out hope to strike the same luck I had two summers ago. I even made a lame attempt at a resume this time around. I should have no trouble, right? Wrong. That's where scams come in. I have literally sent emails responding to eleven different ads that all sounded like things I could do. I was careful to pick ads that had correct spelling and that didn't seem right off the bat to BE scams. I tried to be careful. 

I waited.

Nothing came.

Nobody was writing me back. Nobody!

And then I got my first response. I would post it but apparently I deleted it. It was in response to an office job. It told me that I would need to go to such and so link to get a free credit report and to reply with my score. WHAT? No thank you. I got another reply to an email. This is what it said:


We are happy to inform you that you have been chose as a potential candidate for our company.  There are currently 3 positions still available, and we you would like to fill one.
Before we move forward, I ask that you complete a short IQ quiz to see which position is most suited to you.  It helps us to evaluate you as a future employee, to see where you would best fit into our company.

This quiz can be found here and must be completed in the next 48 hours to ensure you meet the cutoff for our next interview.

Once you have completed the quiz please confirm you mobile phone number so that we can ensure we have the proper contact number on file to reach you to schedule the in person interview.  Please allow us several days to call you regarding the interview to allow for processing time.

Please complete the previously listed steps ASAP as we only have 48 hours to set up interviews. When you have completed the quiz reply to this email and we will set a time for an interview.

Congratulations on becoming a candidate for our company!

Hiring Manager

No thank you. I tried my luck with more ads and got my first legitimate sounding response! It sounded SO real. It gave me the name of the guy contacting me and his son's name who I would be nannying 20 hours a week. I was thrilled. One thing caught my eye, though. The man asked for my resume even though I had attached it to the first email. Weird. I responded and got this back:

Thank you for your taking out time to respond. I know you are being paid for 
this but to me is a favour you are doing me by wanting to take care of him and 
showing him care, love and happiness as i don't want him to lack all. As have 
esplained to you earlier in my previous email he means everything to me, I 
want you to know that have reviewed your proposal and reread your application 
sent to me, and to be honest am highly impressed. And i want you to know that 
am hiring you right away, which the payment will start by the begining of 
next week, As i have checked my shedule i may not be around in the first week of 
february  but i will be preparing your payment and will mail the payment check to 
you. As i will be trusting you with my Son, first i will need you to do 
just this for him first, the payment I will be sending you will including the 
other bills and other necessary things my Son may be needing, so once you 
have the payment cashed you will deduct your money for a weeks and later send 
the difference/balance to my neighbour who will be bringing him in the morning 
and would come for him later in the evening ,it will be for his welfare till i 
am back.I believe i can trust you in getting this done. I will be waiting to 
read from you with a go ahead so as to be able to issue the payment you. 
Therefore i will require the following from you once again
 (1) (Check Payable name) Your full names:
(2) Contact address:...not P.O.Bx
(3) Telephone/cell numbers:
Awaiting your soonest reply.

MONEY LAUNDERING? WHAT??? You can't trust ANYONE anymore. Well, I had just about given up hope when I received a reply email from someone I'd contacted a week before about an office position. 

Blurriest picture ever.

You can even see it in the subject line! But you know what I got in response? Oh, that's right. A scam. 

Sorry for the delayed response! It has been so crazy over the last couple of days! 

The good news is that the rental is still available. We had an offer from the first person we showed it to, but it appears they have changed their mind, so we need to start showing it again, as we want to get it rented ASAP. Since you were the next person to email me about it, you get first right of refusal. 

The unit is in excellent condition, which I am sure you can see from the pictures. We know a lot of prospective renters want to take a quick look of the property, but my husband doesn't want me to send out the address, as there are a lot of crazy people out there these days. The last time we rented one of our units, we gave out the address without verifying people, and it was broken into and vandalized. We don't want that to happen again! I CAN tell you that it's a very special property, that would normally rent for quite a bit more than other comparable properties in the neighborhood, but again, we want to rent it out quickly, which is why we have priced it aggressively. 

All utilities are connected and will be transferred into your name after signing the lease. You will be responsible for cable, internet, and phone, if you decide to have these services. Just to confirm, we DO allow pets at this property, but just need to know the size and breed. The rental term is 12-month lease, but can be switched to a 6-month lease, if preferred. We just ask that you give us 30 days notice if you want to move out. 

If you would like to set up an appointment, go to the link below and request the free copy of your rental / credit report. We use this company for all the properties we manage. Just fill out the form and indicate that you want the free credit report. The actual scores on the report aren't important to us (we know times are tough and just about everyone has had credit, foreclosure problems), it's just that we like to have something on file for all of our tenants. Here is the link: 

We only need to see the page about the rental history. That will be all you will need to bring with you to the showing. 

As far as getting together to see the property, I am available to show it any time from 10:00am to 7:00pm for the next couple of days. Let me know when you've printed out your credit report, and we will set up a time to do your walk-through. 

Thanks and I look forward to meeting you! 


"Today is Sunday and I will be in the office all day" 

This one didn't even have the brains behind it to stick to the same scam as the Craig's List posting. This posting is apparently well known, actually.
I'm losing faith but too desperate to quit looking. :/ Is there a Craig's List god I can pray to?

Well, as an interesting update, I just received another email from the Office Clerk ad I responded to and this time they got the scam ad right:


We are happy to inform you that you have been chose as a potential candidate for our company.  There are currently 3 positions still available, and we you would like to fill one.
Before we move forward, I ask that you complete a short IQ quiz to see which position is most suited to you.  It helps us to evaluate you as a future employee, to see where you would best fit into our company.

This quiz can be found here and must be completed in the next 48 hours to ensure you meet the cutoff for our next interview.

Once you have completed the quiz please confirm you mobile phone number so that we can ensure we have the proper contact number on file to reach you to schedule the in person interview.  Please allow us several days to call you regarding the interview to allow for processing time.

Please complete the previously listed steps ASAP as we only have 48 hours to set up interviews. When you have completed the quiz reply to this email and we will set a time for an interview.

Congratulations on becoming a candidate for our company!

Hiring Manager

After the first email from them, that was obviously a scam, I didn't respond so I find it an interesting tactic for them to try to write me back again. They're not exactly getting smarter, though. Isn't there some way we can get someone to patrol the internet for these horrible people?

For those who are curioius...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tonight's Dream Brought To You By NyQuil

There is nothing better than the kind of dreams NyQuil brings on. Honestly. Last night I had one of the longest, most vivid dreams I've had in a while. And, for those who know me, that's actually saying something. There's almost no night I don't dream but last night was a little different.

After spending a second day suffering from some bizarre illness that gave me a very mild fever, a warm thick feeling in my throat, and a stomach that felt almost constantly on the verge of retching, I gave up withholding medicine. *cue the NyQuil*


It was the only medicine I could find on short notice and, since I didn't know what I had anyway, I might as well just take anything and hope it would make me feel better, right? Not so much. I wasn't ready to go to bed at 8:00pm. (Which is when I took the NyQuil.) I continued about my wild and crazy Friday night plans (watching things on Netflix instant queue and trolling the internet) and waited to feel better. I waited.

And waited...

And waited.................

It's alright, you can laugh. Everyone else does.

And, after a while, I could barely keep my eyes open but I still felt horrible. I was getting so sleepy, sitting on my couch, that I wasn't entirely sure I was going to be able to hold back that retching feeling I'd been having for two days. With the image of myself falling asleep on the couch and then throwing up on myself, I went upstairs and put myself to bed at 10:00pm.

I woke up all on my own, having not set an alarm, at six. Oh wait, I didn't. Some asshole was driving up and down LK Wood honking their horn. At first I ignored it. Then it stopped. Then it started again and I looked out my window, saw nothing and crashed again until it started up again. I looked out the window again. Yep. A car across the street was honking it's horn angrily at nothing I could see. I went back to sleep.

And then it began. My ultimate fantasy.

Yeeeaaah,  my fantasy really isn't this sexy.

This dream had everything I could ever want. Or as close as a dream can get you. My dream not only had my entire family in China but it had my friend Aaron, too.

How could anyone not want to be his BFF?

 And, even more realistically, it also had Cher.

"I always wanted to be a ring master."

Not only Cher, though, but I got to touch her. I got a hug. There was even a legitimate plot and stuff to my dream although it's hard to recall all these hours later. My best summary of the dream is as follows:

I am in China. My whole family is in China. I need to find Aaron before the Cher concert. As in all my China dreams, because they occur so frequently that I can track trends in them, we have just arrived in that same day. I reach in my bag for my phone, because I was smart and remembered to pack my old Chinese cell phone so all we needed was to buy more minutes somewhere. Just kidding, I didn't remember it. Damn. Bry remembers that she just bought a new AT&T Go Phone and that it will work if we just put a Chinese money/minute card in it. Perfect. Bry and I wander around talking to people in fluent Chinese as we search for a vendor that sells such cards. As we wander, we run into Aaron as well as Alia. Problem solved. We end up on some obscure tour thing before ending up at the place of Cher's concert. Cher's concert is taking place in the cafeteria from Coyote Valley Elementary School which has conveniently relocated itself to China for my dream. Lastly, of course, Cher. For some reason I briefly meet her while she is wandering around before her concert and she puts her arm around me and leads me somewhere. And then I just wake up. Thank you NyQuil.

I am still deciding whether or not it seems worth it to try to repeat the process again. This dream entirely reminds me of the Glee kid's experiences during the Britney episode. The reason being that, before I took the NyQuil, I watched videos of American people speaking Chinese, Bry got a new phone yesterday and of course Cher needs no explanation.

Speaking of China...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

French 2

Today my French class had to split into two groups: buyers and sellers. I got stuck as a customer and had to ask the merchants how much their goods cost. I needed to buy a ring, gloves and a French book with only 270 euros. The goal was for the merchants to try to rip us off and for us to try to be super frugal. I failed miserably. At the end of the game I had 50 euros left. The point of this story, though, is that I accidentally ripped off Felicia Day. Alright, I didn't but it felt like it. 

The first person I tried to buy something off of was a guy selling a ring but someone else cut me off and started haggling with him in front of me. Jerk. I turned to my left and saw Felicia Day. Or, rather, this girl with brown hair who acted like Felicia Day. I told her confidently that I needed a French book. She looked me in the eyes, opened her mouth and... nothing came out. Her mouth had moved but I hadn't heard anything I could understand. I couldn't tell if it was because I didn't recognize the words or not. I asked her to repeat herself. She did. I realized I couldn't understand her because her voice was no louder than a whisper. All I made out was the word "dix". Ten. Sweet! She was selling me her book for ten freaking euros. DEAL! I paid her and walked away. 

At the end of the game, and after more haggling, I realized that one of the words I couldn't make out was "cent". One hundred. Uh oh. She was trying to charge me 110 euros. I had totally ripped off the mousy Felicia Day look-a-like and she had been so shy or quiet or whatever that she totally just let me. I felt horrible. And it hadn't even helped me win the game. What a horrible waste of accidental horribleness. 
She will never forgive me.
Speaking of foreign languages...